I'm not sure what more you could ask for.
Starting with a downed Star Destroyer, this feels more like Star Wars than the last three Star Wars films did.
You have throwback voice-over. You have the classic rustic feel of the original trilogy. You have returning characters. You have a foreboding Vader reference. You have new blood. New vehicles. New character designs. And the return of Han and Chewie, and they actually feel like Han and Chewie.
This is what I've been saying since Disney made the Star Wars acquisition a couple years ago- they are going to do it right. Just like they are doing Marvel right.
Disney has set out to make Star Wars films. That is the key to profitability, and Disney knows it. Star Wars has a fan base built in that is as rabid, and judgmental, and nit-picky as any fan base in existence. And why not? The original mythology is stupendous and it was desecrated by Episodes 1-3. So when the House of Mouse pulled the trigger, it was easy to feel that trepidation.
But the worries were all for naught.
Look, I'm not a purebred Star Wars guy, so I don't really feel all that qualified to speak on the subject here. Just press play. And when the video stops, press play again.
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ADRIAN FORT is a writer, blogger, and essayist from Kansas City, Missouri. Follow him on twitter @adriananyway. His work has appeared in Existere, decomP magazinE, The Bluest Aye, Bareback Magazine, Gadfly Online, Chrome Baby, The Eunoia Review, Linguistic Erosion, and Smashed Cat Magazine. His Master's Degree is from Lindenwood University.
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