The Players: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, The Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ultron, The Klaw? Probably cameos as well.
What to look for: Awesomeness. Just sit back, relax, and soak it in, baby. There really isn't any reason to question Whedon at this point, and after basking in the greatness that was The Avengers, the only question I have is whether I can rent a loft in the theater. The tone does look to be different in this film than the first one. Perhaps a touch of Tony Stark attempting redemption and failing? This would lead nicely into the Civil War story line, and set him up as a sympathetic villain instead of trying to make Marvel's most profitable character take a straight heel turn. Plus, sympathetic villains are better.
The Buzz: Massive.
Should you see it? Only if you value having me in your life.
Trailer Review: Here
July 17th: ANTMAN
The Players: Antman, Yellow Jacket, Peggy Carter, The Wasp?
What to look for: Marvel is touting this as the last movie in Phase Two. Why isn't this the first movie in Phase 3? Can Paul Rudd (abs) pull off the superhero deal? It appears that Marvel is trying to bring characters back into the center of these movies instead of the OHMYGODTHEWORLDISENDING calamity. So, kudos. But Antman following the biggest ever superhero movie ever in the history of ever? We'll see.
The Buzz: This movie is Edgar Wrightless. I don't know if you heard. So there was all that drama. But was the movie salvaged?
Should you see it? Benefit of doubt. Yes, it's Marvel.
Trailer Review: Here
The Players: Antman, Yellow Jacket, Peggy Carter, The Wasp?
What to look for: Marvel is touting this as the last movie in Phase Two. Why isn't this the first movie in Phase 3? Can Paul Rudd (abs) pull off the superhero deal? It appears that Marvel is trying to bring characters back into the center of these movies instead of the OHMYGODTHEWORLDISENDING calamity. So, kudos. But Antman following the biggest ever superhero movie ever in the history of ever? We'll see.
The Buzz: This movie is Edgar Wrightless. I don't know if you heard. So there was all that drama. But was the movie salvaged?
Should you see it? Benefit of doubt. Yes, it's Marvel.
Trailer Review: Here
The Players: Mr. Fantastic, The Human Torch, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Doom
What to look for: Potential. The first franchise was miserable. This time around, they are taking a much different approach with the property. I think it's safe to say that there will not be an Invisible Woman stripping on the bridge scene in this franchise. In fact, the tone of the trailer makes Nolan's Batman franchise look like a RomCom. They've rolled the dice here. Either this thing hits, or it's hard to imagine Marvel does not get the rights back to the Fantastic 4.
The Buzz: Yikes. Doom is a blogger and the director is always drunk. That's the word on the street anyway.
Should you see it? Wait to see what people are saying on this one.
Trailer Review: Here
The Players: Mr. Fantastic, The Human Torch, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Doom
What to look for: Potential. The first franchise was miserable. This time around, they are taking a much different approach with the property. I think it's safe to say that there will not be an Invisible Woman stripping on the bridge scene in this franchise. In fact, the tone of the trailer makes Nolan's Batman franchise look like a RomCom. They've rolled the dice here. Either this thing hits, or it's hard to imagine Marvel does not get the rights back to the Fantastic 4.
The Buzz: Yikes. Doom is a blogger and the director is always drunk. That's the word on the street anyway.
Should you see it? Wait to see what people are saying on this one.
Trailer Review: Here
The Players: Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Leia, Weird new people
What to look for: Disney bought Marvel for $4bil and Fantasia'd that into, well, something to Marvel at. The MCU has already had twom movies crack the billion dollar mark, and there's no reason to think that they won't have a third this summer. Can they work the same magic with a Star Wars property that's not as shiny as it once was?
The Buzz: Shhh.... There is an M Night Shyamalan type of secrecy surrounding this project. Also, I heard Luke is really dead the whole time. And water killed him. And it takes place on earth. And pollution.
Should you see it? For a movie that is promising to be the Iron Man 1 of a new Star Wars continuum? Sure.
SUMMARY: I may or may not be a Disney shareholder. This summer may or may not make me happy on several levels.
ADRIAN FORT is a writer, blogger, and essayist from Kansas City, Missouri. Follow him on twitter @adriananyway. His work has appeared in Existere, decomP magazinE, The Bluest Aye, Bareback Magazine, Gadfly Online, Chrome Baby, The Eunoia Review, Linguistic Erosion, and Smashed Cat Magazine. His Master's Degree is from Lindenwood University.
The Players: Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Leia, Weird new people
What to look for: Disney bought Marvel for $4bil and Fantasia'd that into, well, something to Marvel at. The MCU has already had twom movies crack the billion dollar mark, and there's no reason to think that they won't have a third this summer. Can they work the same magic with a Star Wars property that's not as shiny as it once was?
The Buzz: Shhh.... There is an M Night Shyamalan type of secrecy surrounding this project. Also, I heard Luke is really dead the whole time. And water killed him. And it takes place on earth. And pollution.
Should you see it? For a movie that is promising to be the Iron Man 1 of a new Star Wars continuum? Sure.
SUMMARY: I may or may not be a Disney shareholder. This summer may or may not make me happy on several levels.
ADRIAN FORT is a writer, blogger, and essayist from Kansas City, Missouri. Follow him on twitter @adriananyway. His work has appeared in Existere, decomP magazinE, The Bluest Aye, Bareback Magazine, Gadfly Online, Chrome Baby, The Eunoia Review, Linguistic Erosion, and Smashed Cat Magazine. His Master's Degree is from Lindenwood University.
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