Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Daredevil: Take That DC

Well...there's blood...

It looks like Marvel is doing the exact opposite of DC on the smallscreen too. Well, as long as you discount Agents of Shield and the Peggy Carter deal, anyway, which are every bit as corny as the Arrow show. And though there is minimal corny in this trailer, there is still some cheese. How overwrought is the idea of a hero being so dedicated to his city? 

This looks to be how Marvel is countering the "soft and fluffy" accusations coming from baseball-cap-wearing, five-o'clock-shadow-keeping, 140-pound-affliction-shirt-wearing Zack Snyder fans and Christopher Nolan apologists. 

It's dark. Real dark. So dark it's like they are purposely trying to get you to forget red-leather clad Ben Affleck by making you think of all-black clad Batfleck. And if you're trying to reboot a superhero, why not try to invoke thoughts of one of the most popular heroes of all time? 

More than that though, this seems to be it's own brand when compared to the rest of the Marvel stuff. And that makes me wonder if maybe they're setting up something bigger. The same way they did with Iron Man. Could this be the start of the street-level heroes?

Reports are that Marvel is the proud new owner of the Ghost Rider (another superhero in desperate need of rebranding...) and the Punisher (who has some cult success with his movies.) Could this be the beginning of The Marvel Knights? Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist have already been announced for their Netflix run.

(Post: Spider-Man to Marvel Rumors Again...

I've been clamoring for Moon Knight to be added to the MCU for the better part of five years now, but if Marvel brings him to Netflix, well, I just may have to sign up for an account. 

Daredevil and Ghost Rider have already seen big screen adaptations come and fail. Is Netflix a better home for the properties? Many fans had hoped that Luke Cage, Iron Fist and (pleasepleaseplease) Moon Knight would see the silver screen. We know that the ABC shows share full crossover with the MCU, but where do the Netflix series stand? And could we see any of these characters in the Avengers: Infinity War movies? 

This post is brought to you by Ben Affleck's Kristen Stewart face. Hopefully he closes his damn mouth once in a while while playing Batman, huh?

ADRIAN FORT is a writer, blogger, and essayist from Kansas City, Missouri. Follow him on twitter @adriananyway. His work has appeared in Existere, decomP magazinE, The Bluest Aye, Bareback Magazine, Gadfly Online, Chrome Baby, The Eunoia Review, Linguistic Erosion, and Smashed Cat Magazine. His Master's Degree is from Lindenwood University. 

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